Glass Waterpipes 101

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  • Remove your bowl and slide

    Remove your bowl and slide

    Remove your dirty water by pouring it into you sink or toilet. Don’t worry Kryptonite will make cleanup of your sink quick and easy.

    Shake Klear Kryptonite and apply

    Shake Klear Kryptonite and apply

    Now that the water is removed from your pipe, pour in Klear Kryptonite’s green slime into the lower opening of your pipe (where the bowl/slide go.)

    Coat all surfaces of your waterpipe

    Coat all surfaces of your waterpipe

    Once you’ve added an ample amount of Kryptonite’s cleaning solution into your waterpipe, simply slush it around until you’ve coated all areas of your pipe. You shouldn’t need that much solution to coat all surfaces of your bong. A 2oz travel-sized bottle of Kryptonite will clean 4 pipes.

    Flip and turn your waterpipe

    Flip and turn your waterpipe

    Now that the water is removed from your pipe, pour in Klear Kryptonite’s green slime into the lower opening of your pipe (where the bowl/slide go.)

    Wait 20-30 minutes and rinse

    Wait 20-30 minutes and rinse

    After you’ve coated all surfaces of your bong with Kryptonite’s cleaning solution, let the coated bong sit for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and enjoy!

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